The museums that you must go in Rome

Rome is a great destination for those passionate about art, architecture and culture. I’m not into museums, but Rome was a big exception considering masters such as Michelangelo e Leonardo da Vinci. There are 4 museums you must go:

  1. Museum of Rome


The collection of the museum was at first intended only to illustrate and document the the local history and traditions of the “old Rome” Thanks to numerous donations and acquisitions the holdings of the museum now include many works of art, and it has become primarily an art museum.


From the second floor you have a great view on Piazza Navona.


2. Musei Capitolini

The idea of the “Musei Capitolini” was born in 1471 when Pope Sisto IV gave as a gift to Romans a group of bronze statues with great symbolic value. It is considered the oldest public museum in the world


It is a sculpture museum and a giant statue of Michelangelo is available in the open area. The decoration of the museum is indeed gorgeous.

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3.  Galleria Borghese

The Borghese family collection of sculptures include the fenomenal Bernini creation Il Ratto di Proserpina and the art Ragazzo col Canestro di Frutta, from Caravaggio.

4. Vatican Museum

With an entry fee of 20 euros this museum, one of the top activities of Rome, this museum shows the history of the catholic religion in details.

Even for those who are not into museums, Rome will change your mind.