Oide Wiesn, the historical Oktoberfest

Within the huge area where the Oktoberfest occurs there is a closed part where you pay 3 euros to enter which is called OIDE WIESN, in the dialect of Bavaria the old Oktoberfest.


This place tries to revive the history of how the event was in the past, with old games, exhibition of tractors, locomotives and the use of porcelain cups, which today have been replaced by glass cups. Most of them are the nice old men reminiscing about the past. There is a velodrome where for 1 euro you can walk on old bikes.


Some old trains and tractors are still working, inspiring a return to the past. 


I went to the Augustiner brewery shed and sat down in front of a nice old couple. When I took a selfie they appeared in the background and began to laugh. Somehow we started an interaction and they asked me to send the photo by email. After sending he gave me 5 euros. I insisted on not receiving, but he declined to get it back, saying that I provided the photo for him.


After 1 liter of beer, which is served is a porcelain cup, different from the glass cups of the modern Oktoberfest, we went further to explore the area.


Our next destination was the small museum that exists within the area, including the history of Oktoberfest and the evolution of the glasses and the process to serve the customers. One curiosity is that the old glasses were washed in large wooden barrels with hot water and manual labor. Today the process is fully mechanized.


Another nice attraction is the traditional swing that is in the same area of the museum. If you like history and enjoy some of the original German tradition, it is worth checking the Oide Wiesen.
