Helicopter flight in Capetown

I was walking through the revitalized area of the port with a friend from the USA until I came across some shops offering Helicopter flight in Capetown. This was something I always wanted to do, but I thought it was expensive, so I went to check the price. The best deal was a 15 minutes flight for 880 Rands, (80USD) with a Robin Helicopter, but it was not available. For the largest helicopter would be 1000 rand each, about 90 dollars, that I still considered a reasonable price.


A golf car drove us to the heliport a few meters away where we signed a term stating the risk of flying and that the company was not responsible for accidents.


In 5 minutes we were already taking off. I took a privileged place next to the pilot and the American was behind, since she had already flown by helicopter. For those who have never flown the experience is sensational, specially that we had an experienced pilot. 

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In 15 minutes we were back, definitely recommended!